What we can learn from …
The software in space podcast (by se-radio) put me into thoughts about finding ways to improve code quality. First of all, I think that using void methods in languages that support exceptions is not very useful. Instead, I prefer using idioms like the boolean return value and single exit point. …
On building a platform
The se-radio podcast about building a platform contains many useful tips, but the most important IMHO are (1) the importance of the API, (2) "eating your own dog food".
The API should be easy to use. This means that it should be intuitive for the users, which in this case are programmers. Note that …
The API should be easy to use. This means that it should be intuitive for the users, which in this case are programmers. Note that …
Do you evaluate your …
The prolonged financial crisis that we are living has caused an enormous growth in unemployment rates all over the world. Software Engineers and Programmers are by no means an exception to that rule, especially fresh graduates with no or little professional experience. But to find a job (or search …
9series: Introduction and …
I decided to write down some notes about my experiences while playing with Plan 9. Plan 9 is a free software (OSI certified) distributed operating system developed in a place that I would like …
I love your boot loader
According to Ruben the GRUB (and probably POSIX) powered cigarette machine can be found in an Amsterdam bar. What an interesting embedded system! After seeing this it's impossible not to show sympathy for the Netherlands. Most …
Updating Debian Wheezy …
The latest update of Debian testing (aka Wheezy) breaks GCC, both version 4.x and 5.x:
#include <stdio.h>
main (void)
return 0;
faif@isengard:~$ gcc --version
gcc (Debian 4.5.3-3) 4.5.3
faif@isengard:~$ gcc -o a a.c
/usr/bin/ld: …
Job seeking post
Hi, i search work. I web-programmer. I work to PHP. I from COUNTRY[1]. Interested in remote work. Please write me in profile.Honestly: If you were a job recruiter, would you give a change to this seeker? I …
Debian Lenny -> Squeeze …
After more than a year of using Debian GNU/Linux stable (Lenny) on my eee, I decided to upgrade it to testing (Squeeze). The reasons are many. Some of them, are the access to updated versions of many applications, and the usage of a recent optimized kernel. Anyway, my system is fine except from a …